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Water Supply Project

Water is the basis of life for all living beings on the planet. Such a fundamental resource should be guaranteed for all people. However, 663 million people in the world do not have access to drinking water.

319 million people lack access to drinking water in the African continent.

This shortage has serious consequences for the people affected. The first of them is the ocurrence of diseases resulting from drinking contaminated water, which, in many cases, leads to an importance number of deaths, especially among child population.

Diseases caused by drinking contaminated water hinder access to a steady job and affects to child schooling.

This problem affects especially to women and children, who are the responsibles of picking up water. Women don't have the time to develop a proper job that will allow them to be independent and empowered. In addition, women's health is seriously affected due to the physical effort that they need to make to carry the water. Most women end suffering bone injuries for the rest of their lives.

Children are not capable of keeping the pace at school. As consequence of this, children have to give up studies being practically illiterates. A situation that extremely affects to their development possibilities, seeing themselves trapped in a dead end.

For the past three years, we have been working with the Spanish NGO “Agua ONG” on a vital water supply project in remote areas of Uganda.

A portion of the sale of each pair purchased from the OLD 80s, RETRO 90s and RETRO 86s collections has gone directly to this project. As a result, our community has been able to build three water wells, providing drinking water for 1500 people.


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